
The MCCF is an organization with a no profit objective and there will be no remuneration for members of the board, with limited funding available for volunteers when deemed necessary.

Travel expenses will also not be reimbursed unless deemed necessary.

No equity is accrued and the annual incoming funds are entirely spent on the objectives of the foundation.

The Marataba Community and Conservation Foundation has the ANBI status (public benefit organisation) and is registered as RSIN

The Dutch abbreviation ANBI means ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen’ (Institution Aimed at the Common Good) and refers to charitable, religious, humanistic, cultural and scientific institutions whose mission and operations are deemed by the Tax Service overwhelmingly to serve the Common Good.

The Dutch government implements a fiscal policy that encourages the donation of funds to causes that advance the Common Good. Apart from granting tax advantages, ANBI status also favors Sponsors, Contributors and Patrons in countries that grant tax concessions to foreign registered charities, as well as those based in the Netherlands. Sponsors, Contributors and Patrons who have made a donation to our foundation may be able to deduct the amount from taxable income. For more information: