Registration of Rhinos  in Marakele National Park

Registration of Rhinos in Marakele National Park


As of end of April 2021, 453 people mostly children have undertaken a one day field trip to the Waterberg Living Museum outside Vaalwater, in the Waterberg Biosphere. Remaining funding is likely to cover another 150 children to visit the museum over the next two months.

Save the Waterberg Rhino kindly received R100,000 from the Marataba Community Conservation Fund at the end of 2019, for local kids to visit the Waterberg Living Museum. Unfortunately, with national Covid lockdown happening from March 2020 the project had to be suspended until the beginning of this year.

So far, 265 kids from Vaalwater, 128 kids from Bakenburg area and 60 adults from Marataba have experienced a one day visit, where they were hosted by Sekwhiri Langa, a Level 3 FGASA Guide who attended the Waterberg Biosphere’s Youth Environmental Service project where he obtained his Level 1 FGASA qualification, and Moji Kitsi of Welgevonden Environmental Awareness Programme (WEAP); an outreach programme organised by Welgevonden Game Reserve that provides environmental education to local schools.